Our Values…

Confidence in God’s Grace

We are a church family that is strongly rooted in God’s great love for the world, so memorably stated in John 3:16, throughout Scripture, and in the Lutheran Confessions.

We Welcome You

We are a church family that strives day in and day out to live out exceptional Christian hospitality. That doesn’t just mean being friendly on Sunday. It means meeting people’s needs, entering people’s pain, and celebrating people’s joy. It means striving to have every action we take be in concert with Christ’s love.

No Matter Who You Are.

Our Christian hospitality is extended to everyone. We believe that people of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and orientation are beloved children of God. Everyone is treated as a beloved child of God at Christ Lutheran Church.

Or Where You Are on Life’s Journey

We are an active family of faith engaging people of all ages. God calls, meets, and loves people throughout their entire life: in their youth, young adulthood, middle age, and in retirement. Our ministries seek to represent this, and in living this out we develop appropriate ministries for the benefit of all of our members.

Richly Develop Your Relationship with God

We are a church family that draws people close to God by offering inspiring worship at the center of our life together. Beyond worship we offer programs and groups that encourage faith formation for all ages, understanding that a rich relationship with God doesn’t end with Confirmation Sunday, but continues throughout one’s walk with Christ; through fellowship events, small group studies and meetings, retreats, and lavish service to our neighbors and community.

God’s Work

We are family of faith that believes that Christ is alive and is still creatively at work in the world. We are a people who have not arrived, but instead are striving to catch up with God’s loving activity in the world.

Our Hands

We are a church family that understands that we are not saved by good works, but we are saved for good works. Every good work we do is simply our response to God’s grace. As a congregation guided by the Holy Spirit we strive to provide opportunities so that our hands are engaged in God’s work in the world.

For the sake of the world

Christ Lutheran - Sedona does not sit idly by as the world suffers. We seek to be a real and relevant force for individual and community healing, even daring to extend Christ’s love well beyond our walls. To be part of God’s healing in the world, we value our relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We believe that being linked together with other congregations across our country and throughout the world is life-giving and healing because we can do more linked together than we can do independently, such as supporting world-wide hunger appeals, disaster responses, local and global mission.