
strives to reach beyond the walls of our church within our Verde Valley communities, our state, throughout the United States and to the world at large.

“God’s Work Our Hands” isn’t just a slogan!

We generously support nine Verde Valley emergency food providers with funds, food, and volunteers. Our annual Hands Healing Hunger fundraiser raises over $160,000 each year which is used to benefit hungry neighbors in the Verde Valley.

Other life giving projects include 

+ Fall drive to collect jackets, coats and gloves to be donated to those in need.

+ Annual Manzanita Outreach food packing party packing dry food to be sent overseas.

+ Summer survival kits for the homeless  

Interested in making a difference?

Please contact Carol Brezina through the church office to learn more about these and other opportunities.

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Ministry Partners

16 Verde Valley emergency food providers

Verde Valley Caregivers

Mental Health Coalition of the Verde Valley

Hope House Sedona Homeless Shelter

Grand Canyon Synod

ELCA World Hunger

ELCA Disaster Response

Lutheran World Relief

Verde Valley Green Bag Food Program

Giving Angels

Lutheran Social Services SW

Navajo Lutheran Mission

Lutheran Campus Ministry at NAU